

As most of you may know, I’m currently deeply involved in a singing ministry.

Like in all other ministries, this one has its share of ups and downs. People coming and going, lack of funds, procrastination, attendance, membership, quality control, etc.

It’s really discouraging to see ministries die. You giving your all, offering your service up to the Lord, and some of your coworkers are not in the same level of commitment. Even worse is that you are having difficulty to recruit members. Opportunity to minister is plentiful but the workers are few.

My question is this. How do I know what God’s will is for this particular ministry? Is He telling us to stop this and concentrate on other ministries instead? How long shall I fight the fight and run the race?

My prayer is this: “I am a weak nobody. And I seek to glorify You through my actions. I know that You will equip me to serve you. But maybe you want me to stop serving through this group and concentrate on my other ministries instead? Maybe, Lord, you want this group to end and its members to concentrate on their own Jerusalem? Father please carry my burden for me. I am too weak to carry it bu myself. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”

Pray for us. And please tell me what your input is: yes dissolve the group, continue the fight, or what?

5 responses »

  1. I am at a loss on what to say. I have seen you mature spiritually . When God allowed you know the answer, can u share it to us what you learned?

    On the other hand, we have a singing ministry already. Why dont you just join us and help train the other members of JEC choir ( me included) to improve our singing voice as we sing praises to God. The choir can do outreach too. We do visitations to the senior church members who are too weak to attend worship service.Your inputs ( you and Fil) will be tremendously appreciated.


  2. Thanks for sharing this burden to us. I pray we can come to a good decision regarding this.

    Just thinking out loud..

    .. when it seems everyone has come and gone, it gets lonely being the ones left behind to carry the torch.

    .. is what we are doing still ministering, still helpful, still needed, still puts a smile on our face, still glorifying to our God?

    .. then what is keeping us from doing so, and would we be able to take the steps needed to do so?

    .. i agree with needing to answer the question.. “How do I know what God’s will is for this particular ministry?”

    On an end note, don’t be too discouraged because you have been an encouragement to us 🙂



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